She always been a wonderful colleague and also friend. If you ever come to SUARAM you can hear we call chai yi's name whenever there is a problems with our PC or anything.. She will be the first person that we will refer to... If she is not around we will be very panic and started to call her..
I still can remember when Chai yi scold John, if he fail to understand whatever she is trying to say related to technology, computer ... and more...
I still not feel very happy that we havent do a proper fairwell dinner or proper goodbye for her. Sorry for that Chai Yi... But after John and Temme return we will do a proper goodbye for you! You always been a wonderful human being and a great teacher in all issues related to work, PC and so many others... We will definetly miss you! I'm sure your humanrights work wouldnt be stop here.. please comeback as soon as you finished your holiday.. We will need you! the struggle needs you!

Frm Left front: Chai yi, Myself, Arul, Temme, Izwan,
Moon hui (behind frm left) and Heng Lung at Dang wangi police station
on 4th Aug 09
Moon hui (behind frm left) and Heng Lung at Dang wangi police station
on 4th Aug 09
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