Himpunan Hari Pekerja

Himpunan Hari Pekerja



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tak Berjuang Maka Tak ada Hasil! Mansuh Undang2 Zalim!


Address: 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525 Fax: +6 03 7784 3526

Email: suaram@suaram. net Web: www.suaram.net



5HB APRIL 2010


Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) mengecam penangkapan dan penahanan terbaru di bawah Seksyen 3, Akta Dadah Berbahaya (Langkah-Langkah Pencegahan Khas) 1985 (LLPK) yang mana boleh membenarkan penahanan tanpa bicara selam 60 hari. SUARAM mengecam penggunaan LLPK atau mana-mana undang-undang yang melanggar prinsip asas hak asasi manusia, keadilan dan piawaian antarabangsa berhubung hak asasi.

Pada Hari ini SUARAM bersama dengan ahli keluarga dan pihak peguam ingin membawa perhatian SUHAKAM berkenaan beberapa pencabulan hak asasi yang berlaku dalam penahanan ini dan memohon perhatian segera dalam isu ini.

1. Latar Belakang

1.1 Pada 11.03.2010, Benjy telah ditangkap oleh beberapa anggota polis di tempat letak kereta kondominium Menara Duta 2, Jalan 1/38B Off Jalan Segambut Kuala Lumpur.

1.2 Pada 12.03.2010, pihak polis telah membawa Benjy ke Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Lumpur untuk mendapatkan suatu perintah reman ke atasnya berdasarkan alasan bahawa mereka perlu menyiapkan siasatan di bawah Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (“ADB”). Suatu perintah reman selama 7 hari telah diberikan oleh Mahkamah Majistret.

1.3 Sepanjang tempoh reman selama 7 hari tersebut, Benjy tidak berpeluang untuk mendapatkan bantuan atau nasihat guaman kerana pihak keluarganya termasuk Benjy telah dimaklumkan bahawa beliau tidak boleh diwakili oleh peguam dan tidak ada perlunya untuk beliau atau keluarganya untuk melantik peguam kerana tidak ada apa-apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh peguam.

1.4 Pada 17.03.2010, keluarga Benjy telah bertemu untuk seketika dengan Pemohon di Ibu Pejabat Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur (“IPKKL”), semasa pertemuan tersebut juga pihak polis telah memaklumkan kepada Benjy dan keluarganya bahawa tidak ada perlunya untuk mereka melantik peguam kerana ianya adalah suatu perbuatan yang sia-sia.

1.5 Pada 18.03.2010, tahanan reman Benjy telah dilanjutkan selama 7 hari lagi. Selepas perlanjutan reman tersebut, keluarga Benjy telah melantik peguam.

1.6 Pada 19.03.2010, peguam Benjy telah pergi ke IPKKL dengan tujuan untuk berjumpa dan memberi nasihat guaman kepada beliau selaras dengan Artikel 5(3) Perlembagan Persekutuan dan Seksyen 28A Kanun Acara Jenayah. Namun demikian, peguam Benjy tidak berjaya untuk bertemu dengan Benjy.

1.7 Pada 19.03.2010, peguam Benjy telah menghantar surat rasmi kepada IPKKL meminta supaya perjumpaan dengan Benjy dapat dilaksanakan pada 22.03.2010. Namun demikian, melalui surat bertarikh 22.03.2010 pihak polis telah menyangkal hak Benjy untuk berjumpa dengan peguamnya.

1.8 Pada 23.03.2010 beberapa ahli keluarga Benjy dan peguam telah pergi ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Malaysia (“Suhakam”) untuk membuat aduan berhubung dengan pencabulan hak-hak asasi Pemohon selaras dengan Artikel 5(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

1.9 Pada 24.03.2010, baharulah peguam Benjy dibenarkan untuk berjumpa dengan Pemohon untuk tempoh masa yang singkat iaitu lebih kurang 30 minit sahaja.

1.10 Pada 25.03.2010, lebih kurang pukul 11.30 pagi, Benjy telah dipertuduhkan di Mahkamah Majistret Jenayah (4) Kuala Lumpur dengan satu tuduhan memiliki 0.24 gram methamphetamine di bawah Seksyen 12(2) ADB yang boleh dihukum dibawah Seksyen 12(3) ADB. Benjy telah minta untuk dibicarakan terhadap pertuduhannya dan Mahkamah Majistret telah membenarkan Benjy diikat jamin dengan jaminan sebanyak RM2000.00 dengan seorang penjamin.

1.11 Pada lebih kurang 2.00 petang, sejurus sahaja urusan ikat jamin selesai dan semasa Benjy, keluarganya bersama dengan peguamnya hendak keluar dari Pejabat Pendaftaran, Tingkat B1, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, sekumpulan orang berpakaian biasa telah menghampiri Benjy dan menangkap Pemohon tanpa memperkenalkan diri mereka sebagai anggota polis. Peguam Benjy telah meminta penjelasan dan maklumat berhubung dengan identiti dan pengenalan mereka. Semasa proses tersebut berlaku, peguam Benjy telah dikasari di mana kedua-dua tangannya telah dipegang tanpa kerelaannya oleh beberapa orang yang dipercayai anggota polis.

1.12 Hanya apabila didesak berkali-kali oleh peguam Benjy baharulah seseorang daripada kumpulan tersebut telah memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai seorang Inspektor dan menyatakan bahawa Benjy ditangkap di bawah Seksyen 3 LLPK tanpa memberi alasan mengapa Pemohon ditangkap dibawah Seksyen 3 LLPK. Keluarga Benjy dan peguamnya kemudian telah pergi ke IPKKL dan hanya Berjaya berjumpa dengan Benjy untuk seketika

1.13 Pada 26.03.2010 peguam Pemohon telah menghantar surat kepada Bahagian Risikan Narkotik, IPKKL meminta agar beliau dapat berjumpa dengan Pemohon, tetapi sehingga kini peguam Benbjy masih belum menerima maklum balas bertulis berhubung dengan permohonan akses guaman tersebut.

2. Penafian Khidmat Guaman dan Lawatan Keluarga

2.1 Kami di SUARAM difahamkan bahawa semasa dalam tahanan reman polis keluarga Benjy hanya dibenarkan berjumpa Benjy sebanyak dua kali sahaja iaitu pada 17.03.2010 dan 24.03.2010. Tetapi selepas pembebasan Benjy atas jaminan sebanyak RM2,000.00 dan penangkapan semula pada 25.03.2010, melainkan perjumpaan seketika semasa di IPKKL, ahli keluarga Benjy dan peguam beliau tidak dibenarkan berjumpa dengan Benjy sehingga kini.

2.2 Manakala, peguam Benjy iaitu Amer Hamzah Arshad, juga sehingga kini masih belum dapat berjumpa dengan anak guamnya bagi tujuan akses guaman selepas Benjy ditahan oleh Polis dibawah Seksyen 3 LLPK. Semasa penangkapan semula Benjy di kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 25.03.2010, peguam Benjy tidak dimaklumkan alasan penangkapan Benjy dibawah Seksyen 3 LLPK.

2.3 Apa yang mengecewakan lagi ialah, semasa penangkapan Benjy, peguamnya telah dihalang oleh pihak polis dan sekaligus tidak memberikan sebarang peluang kepada Peguamnya untuk memberikan khidmat guaman secara efektif kepada anak guamnya semasa insiden penangkapan berlaku. Ini merupakan satu pencabulan hak asasi yang tidak boleh diterima sama sekali.

2.4 Kini penafian kepada khidmat peguam khasnya dalam kes-kes penahanan tanpa bicara menjadi satu amalan dalam pasukan polis dimana para peguam tidak dibenarkan untuk berjumpa dengan anak guam mereka. Ini dapat dilihat dalam kes-kes seperti:

i) Penahanan 5 peguam dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman;

ii) Penafian khidmat peguam kepada 10 tahanan ISA yang ditahan dibawah ISA pada tahun ini.

iii) Penafian secara terus oleh tahanan untuk mendapatkan khidmat peguam dan sekaligus menafikan hak yang terdapat dalam Artikel 5, Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Seksyen 28A Kanun Acara Jenayah.

2.5 Walaupun beberapa percubaan dan perundingan dilakukan bersama dengan polis. namun ianya tidak diberi perhatian oleh pasukan polis yang semakin hari semakin hilang kepercayaan di kalangan rakyat biasa kerana tidak menghormati hak asasi tahanan.

2.6 Ini dengan jelas dapat dilihat dalam Deklarasi hak Asasi Antarabangsa (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) dan Konvenan Antarabangsa Hak Sivil dan Politik (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights). Dalam konvenan tersebut secara terang dinyatakan bahawa:

The ICCPR guarantees an accused the right to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing

Manakala, U.N Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any form of Detention or Imprisonment, approved by the U.N General Assembly in 1988 menyatakan bahawa:

Guarantees the right to meet with counsel while in detention and the right to be visited and communicate with members of one's family.

Sama juga dengan, U.N Basic principles on the Role of Lawyers,

Guarantees the right to counsel and specifies that a detainee should have access to an attorney as soon as practicable after arrest and in any case not later forty-eight hours from the the time and arrest of detention”

3. Penangkapan Semula

3.1 Proses penangkapan semula yang dilakukan oleh pihak polis dan Kementerian dalam Negeri (KDN) dengan menggunakan tuduhan yang sama selepas mahkamah membebaskan tahanan-tahanan khususnya yang ditahan dibawah akta-akta penahanan tanpa bicara atau ‘preventive laws’, telah menjadi satu lagi amalan yang semakin digunakan oleh polis atas arahan KDN ataupun sebaliknya.

3.2 Acapkali, apabila mahkamah membebaskan tahanan-tahanan yang ditahan di bawah ISA, EO ataupun DDA atau LLPK, namun sejurus selepas mahkamah membebaskan tahanan ini, kerajaan atau Polis akan menangkap semula tahanan-tahanan ini atas alasan yang sama yang digunakan sebelum ini. Ini dengan jelas menunjukkan betapa kerajaan dan polis tidak menghormati mahkamah malah menghina proses mahkamah dengan melakukan penangkapan semula yang tidak memberikan hak perbicaraan kepada tahanan. Ini adalah salahguna kuasa oleh polis dan campurtangan Badan Eksekutif yang jelas dalam badan Kehakiman. Mahkamah tidak dapat melindungi tahanan khususnya tahanan-tahanan yang ditahan dibawah akta-akta sedemikian.

3.3 Malah, Konvenan Hak Sivil dan Politik Antarabangsa juga telah menyatakan dengan jelas dalam artikel mereka bahawa:

No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offense for which he/she has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country

4. Penahanan Tanpa Bicara

4.1 Isu utama dalam undang-undang pencegahan ini adalah Penahanan Tanpa bicara. Menahan seseorang individu ataupun manusia dibawah akta-akta yang tidak memberikan peluang untuk mendapatkan perbicaraan dan proses bela diri di mahkamah adalah sesuatu yang menyalahi undang-undang Hak asasi Antarabangsa dan Hak asasi seorang manusia yang fundamental seperti yang termaktub dalam Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat 1948; Fasal 9,10,11 dan 13 Konvenan Antarabangsa Hak Sivil dan Politik 1966 Fasal 9 dan 12, Piagam Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia Fasal 12 dan Perlembagaan Malaysia Fasal 5.

4.2 Tiada seorang pun bersalah sehingga dibuktikan di mahkamah adalah asas utama dalam persoalan penahanan tanpa bicara. Sekiranya ianya tidak dihormati dan dengan adanya kuasa yang berlebihan di tangan kerajaan dan polis maka, undang-undang seperti ini sering digunakan untuk mempertahankan kedudukan pihak kerajaan dan polis yang seringkali gagal untuk membuktikan sebarang individu yang ditahan dibawah akta-akta ini.

4.3 Amatlah memalukan bahawa kerajaan mengamalkan ‘double standards’ dalam isu berhubung ISA, EO dan LLPK. Di satu pihak, rancangan untuk mengkaji semula akta-akta ini dan penahanan terbaru secara sembunyi tanpa sebarang pengumuman dibuat adalah sesuatu yang kontradik. Ini lebih kepada Retorik daripada praktikal. Amalan kerahsiaan dan tidak bermaruah yang menyelubungi Akta-akta penahanan tanpa bicara ini jelas bercanggah dengan prinsip keadilan, kebenaran dan ketelusan. Ianya sekali lagi menggambarkan citra sebenar Akta-akta ini yang sangat arbitrari dan tiada kena mengena dengan keselamatan negara. Kami menuntut kerajaan untuk membebaskan semua tahanan dengan segera atau bicarakan mereka di mahkamah keadilan.

4.4 Maka, dengan ini SUARAM menggesa SUHAKAM agar:

  1. Segera campurtangan dalam soal ini dan memberikan tekanan kepada pihak polis dan pihak kerajaan untuk segera membenarkan para peguam dan ahli keluarga untuk berjumpa dengan tahanan dengan serta merta

  1. Pihak SUHAKAM mengadakan dialog bersama dengan kerajaan dan polis untuk membawa isu penafian khidmat peguam kepada tahanan yang ditahan dibawah ISA, EO dan LLPK.

  1. Menggunakan kuasa/peruntukan undang-undang yang terdapat pada SUHAKAM untuk membawa isu-isu penahanan tanpa bicara dan penggunaan Akta-akta pencegahan ini ke peringkat Antarabangsa dan mendapatkan sokongan mereka untuk memperhentikan Kerajaan Malaysia untuk menindas rakyatnya sendiri dibawah akta-akta seperti ini dan SUHAKAM sebagai Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi haris memastikan rakyat Malaysia selamat, tidak dianiaya dan dilindungi hak asasi mereka.

Disediakan oleh:


Penyelaras Kempen Tahanan Tanpa Bicara


Friday, March 26, 2010

Blatant Abuse of Power by the Police in Latest DDA Arrest : Release Actor Benjy Immediately!


Address: 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor , Malaysia .

Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525 Fax: +6 03 7784 3526

Email: suaram@suaram. net Web: www.suaram.net

Press Statement: 26 March 2010

Blatant Abuse of Power by the Police in Latest DDA Arrest:

Release Actor Benjy Immediately!

SUARAM condemns and expresses its grave concerns over the arrest of actor Khaeryll Benjamin Ibrahim @Benjy under Section 3 of the Dangerous Drugs Act (Special Preventive Measures) 1985 (DDA), which provides for detention without trial up to 60 days, just minutes after he was released by the Magistrate's Court. No grounds were given as why he was arrested under section 3.

Benjy was freed yesterday (25 March 2010) on a RM2,000 bail with one surety but he was re-arrested by a group of 10 plainclothes personnel at 2.50pm, immediately after his mother, actress Azean Irdawaty, posted bail. None of the arresting policemen informed his mother the reasons of Benjy’s re-arrest and instead referred her to their superior officer for more information. Even the lawyers representing Benjy was not allowed by the police to assist Benjy.

Abuse of power and contempt of court

The re-arrest of detainees after being freed by the court is an outright abuse of the system by the police and the government. The use of the DDA or any other preventive detention laws leave those arrested with almost no recourse against wrongful arrest and detention. Worst still, the detainee will most likely face traumatic experiences in the first 60 days of detention under the DDA. SUARAM has documented numerous allegations of flawed police investigations and acts of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment by the police to obtain confession under duress from the DDA detainees.

The use of the DDA, particularly in instances where individuals have already been freed by the court such as the latest case of Benjy, is a blatant abuse of power by the police. Not only has the police disregarded the Magistrate Court ’s decision to release him on bail by detaining him without trial for 60 days, the DDA further confers powers to the Home Minister to sign two-year detention orders which can be renewed indefinitely at the end of the initial 60-day detention. The Home Minister’s decision cannot be challenged in court.

No justification for DDA (the other ISA )!

SUARAM recognizes the responsibility of the Malaysian government to curb crimes and to deal with drugs dealers, drug addicts, criminals, gangs and syndicates. Notwithstanding this, there is no justification for the government to resort to the use laws such as the DDA which violate human rights.

In societies governed by the rule of law, any person suspected of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law which complies with international fair trial standards. The use of the DDA, however, is clearly in contravention of this universal principle. As such, like the ISA , the DDA has no place in any civilized society!

SUARAM stresses that the arbitrary detention of any individual without trial is a gross violation of fundamental human rights which clearly contravenes Article 5(3) of the Federal Constitution.

Release Benjy and all other DDA detainees! Abolish the DDA!

SUARAM therefore demands the police to release Benjy immediately and unconditionally.

SUARAM further strongly calls on the government to abolish the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act (DDA) and other detention-without- trial laws. Those held under these laws must be charged in court or released unconditionally.

Released By,

Nalini, E


Campaign against Detention without Trial


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Court of Appeal’s Decision on Abdul Malek Hussein Retrogressive and Unjust!


Address: 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor , Malaysia .

Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525 Fax: +6 03 7784 3526

Press Statement: 25 March 2010
Court of Appeal’s Decision on Abdul Malek Hussein
Retrogressive and Unjust!

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) expresses its disappointment over the Court of Appeal’s judgement today which overturned a RM2.5 million award to former Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee Abdul Malek Hussein following an appeal by the Malaysian government.

The appellate court, convened by a panel of three judges, reversed the High Court decision and ruled that Abdul Malek’s detention was lawful and rejected his allegations of torture while in custody. The Court of Appeal thus ruled that Abdul Malek will not receive the damages awarded to him by the High Court and ordered Abdul Malek instead to pay RM50, 000 in costs.

Court Rules In Favour of Human Rights Violators!

The judgement by the Court of Appeals is indeed retrogressive and clearly contravenes basic and universally recognised human rights principles. SUARAM, which has campaigned for the abolition of the ISA since 1989, views this as a black day for human rights in the country, with the courts ruling in favour of blatant violators of human rights and thus denying justice for victims.

SUARAM also views this as another dire attempt by the government to defend the indefensible ISA which allows detention without trial. It is a known fact that all ISA detainees are subjected to severe psychological torture and put in solitary confinement in their 60 days detention. Detention without trial for such a long period without any access to lawyers, family and the outside world is itself a cruel maltreatment to the detainees. Many amongst them, like Abdul Malek, have been subjected to physical torture while in detention.

Malaysia Accepts Torture?

The Court of Appeal’s judgement today, rejecting the findings of the High Court that Abdul Malek was indeed tortured while in detention, did nothing more than to reaffirm the acceptance of torture in the country not only by the Malaysian government – which has still to date refused to ratify the UN’s Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) – but also by the Malaysian judiciary!

SUARAM strongly urges the Malaysian government to immediately ratify the CAT. SUARAM finds no reason for the refusal of the government to do so but for its acceptance of torture as a punishment in the country!

Abolish the ISA!
The absence of judicial checks and balances in ISA detentions has also exacerbated the abuses of power by the police who can get away with impunity. It has also facilitated torture and ill-treatment of detainees. Malaysia cannot call itself a democratic country when there is such a law that permits detention without trial and gross violation of human rights.

SUARAM reiterates its demand that the government abolishes the ISA, frees all detainees or accord them a fair trial. SUARAM stands strongly against any law that provides for detention without trial.

Last but not least, SUARAM reaffirms that it will build on the struggles, sacrifices and perseverance of the numerous courageous ex-ISA detainees and their families who have stood up against the draconian law. With the support of the people, SUARAM will continue the struggle until the ISA is finally abolished.

Released by,

Nalini, E.

SUARAM Coordinator

Abdul Malek Hussein was arrested on the night of September 25, 1998 after addressing a demonstration earlier that afternoon in Masjid Negara. He accused the police of severely assaulting him, physically and mentally.

In the past trial, Malek told the court that he was slapped by the respondent, Borhan bin Haji Daud when he was arrested. Then he was stripped naked and blindfolded during the interrogation period. He was physically assaulted for about 60 times, beaten-up and hit hard on the head until he passed out. He was also forced to swallow liquid with terrible stench, which deemed to be urine. His interrogators also threatened to inject him with the HIV/AIDs virus.

Abdul Malek filed his suit civil suit in March 1999, naming special branch officer Borhan Daud, the then police chief Abdul Rahim Noor and the government as respondents. On 18 October 2007, then Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Mohd Hishamudin Mohd Yunus, ruled that Abdul Malek's detention during the reformasi demonstrations in 1998, were made in bad faith under Article 5 of the Federal Constitution. He was rewarded RM 2.5 Million for the damages.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Deportation of ISA detainees: Embarrassment to the country!





Press Statement: 15 March 2010

Deportation of ISA detainees: Embarrassment to the country!

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) and Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) strongly condemn the deportation of the five foreigners alleged of being involved in international terrorism. They were among the twelve individuals detained on 21st January 2010 under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for alleged links with international terrorist organisations.

Those detainees who already have been deported are:






Azzahari bin Murad


Has been put under the Section 8(5) of the ISA, which allows for restricted residence order. He is restricted to areas in Petaling Jaya.


Aiman Al Dakkak- USM PHD Student


Facing Deportation


Mohamed Hozifa (Son of Aiman Al Dakkak)


Facing Deportation


Kutiba Al-Issa (Student)


Facing Deportation


Khalid Salem Student


Deported on 6th March 2010


Luqman Abdul Salam (Student)


Deported on 13th March 2010


Hassan Barudi (Student)


Facing Deportation


Hussam Khalid (Student)


Deported on 15th March 2010


Abdul Alhi Bolajoko Uthman (Student)


Deported on 14th March 2010

According to the Government, the detainees who have been deported were “released” from the ISA and that they are handed over to the Immigration Department because their visa to stay in Malaysia has expired. The similar argument was also put forward by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on the 11th of March 2010 to reject and dismiss the detainees’ habeas corpus application. Therefore, the habeas corpus application to examine their detention has become academic.

SUARAM and GMI regrets that the Home Minister who controls both the Police and Immigration Department, has made decisions to disallow the detainees from seeing their respective legal counsels during their detention under the section 73 of the draconian ISA. We do not see any security or diplomacy difficulties in allowing the lawyers to perform their duty. The denial of access to legal assistance and the deportation of the detainees without proper trial are totally uncalled for and embarrassing. The government is not even bothered to provide a reasonable answer for their irresponsible actions. This is a typical case of how arrogant the authorities can be when granted absolute power. We view the authorities’ move to deport the detainees as malicious.

We have also learnt that the detainee from Yemen, Khaleed Salem who were repatriated to his respective country or origin are now under police custody in his country and are experiencing another round of investigations. This is unfair to the detainee who until now, have failed to be produced before a court. On the other hand, the two other Nigerian detainees have been released by their government and there is not even single charge brought against them.

Furthermore, the families of those who have been deported are still living in Malaysia and without any welfare assistance from the government. We urge the government to take care of the families’ welfare and their daily needs as the government is responsible for making the wives’ life miserable without their husbands and the children without their father.

SUARAM and GMI recognize the seriousness of the terrorist activities and are of the view that proper measures should be taken to improve the situation. However, these measures must nevertheless be consistent with international human rights standards and norms. Detaining any individuals without trial under the ISA breaches fundamental human rights that are enshrined in, among others, article 9 and 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights –

v “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.” and

v “Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.”

The use of the ISA on the current detainees demonstrates yet again how the state can arbitrarily use this infamous tool on anyone. ISA is a very convenient tool to cover-up real issues and weaknesses of the system.

SUARAM and GMI also reiterate that punishing or detaining people without giving them any opportunity to defend themselves is barbaric. Uncivilized laws that permit detention without trial are a pain of the democratic system and must be abolished.

Abolish ISA!

Release All the ISA detainees!

Close Down KEMTA!



GMI Secretariat and SUARAM Coordinator

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Protest demo against GST put off (Mkini)

The Protes coalition of activist groups and opposition parties against the Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill announced today that the demonstration planned for tomorrow at Parliament has been cancelled.

NONEProtes said this follows Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah's announcement that the bill, scheduled for second reading on Monday when Parliament reconvenes, has been postponed to enable the government to get more public feedback on the contentious tax.

The coalition yesterday declared a preliminary victory over Husni's announcement, describing it as a vindication of the coalition's public campaign against the GST, which they said would burden lower-income earners.

gst protest dr hattaSpeaking at a press conference this morning at PAS' headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Dr Hatta Ramli (second from left) - who is chairperson of Protes and PAS treasurer-general - said the postponement of the demonstration showed the coalition is "reasonable."

The decision to put off the event to a yet undetermined date is due to "current developments", Hatta said further. He stressed, however, that Protes' efforts to campaign against the GST in the form of roadshows and other events would continue.

It was reported yesterday that Husni said the GST "will not be tabled for second reading in the March/April session (of Parliament) because we need more time to engage with the public."

The bill was first tabled in Parliament last December.

On when the bill would be tabled, Husni said: "It will depend on our engagement with the public and how the rakyat perceives the implementation of GST. So, we do not want to put a time-frame on that."

Also at the press conference today were Parti Sosialis Malaysia's (PSM) secretery-general S Arutchelvan, Y Kohila of the grassroots Network of Oppressed Peoples (Jerit) movement, Federal Territory PAS Youth chief Kamaruzaman Mohamed and PAS Muslimat secretary Aiman Atirah Al-Jundi.

Protes had planned to gather 2,000 activists and supporters to Parliament tomorrow to protest against the GST.

The event had led Kuala Lumpur police chief Muhammad Sabtu Othman to issue a warning against the demonstrators.

Detention of Minors under the EO is Arbitrary!


Address: 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor , Malaysia .

Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525 Fax: +6 03 7784 3526

Email: suaram@suaram. net Web: www.suaram.net

Press Statement: 12 March 2010

Detention of Minors under the EO is Arbitrary!

Suaram expresses disappointment and concern over the detention of the three minors and one youth under the Restricted Residence Act (RRA) 1933 for 2 years. The detention order under the RRA was issued by the Home Minister on 11th March 2010. The four individuals are Jagendran s/o Panir Selvam (920522-05-5586) , Gunaseelan s/o Suppiah (940723-10-5755) , Puspanathan s/o Muniandy (940328-10-5595) dan Rajkumar s/o Vijayan (890711-14-5589) .

The four were arrested by the Kajang District police officers on the 21st December 2009, allegedly for involvement in being public nuisance and for possession of a stolen vehicle in their residential area in Semenyih. But until today these allegations against them have not been proved in any court. On the other hand, the four of them have also been brought on a 'remand roadshow' by the police before being pinned under the Emergency Ordinance (Public Order and Crime Prevention). On 10th January 2010, they were served with detention order under the EO which allows for detention without trial. The four have been detained for 60 days and they were tortured physically and mentally by the police during the entire duration of their detention.

SUARAM is appalled at the increasing number of minors detained under the EO. SUARAM strongly condemns the Minister’s decision to pursue the detention of the minors and the youth under the RRA. Worst still, the detainees will most likely face traumatic experiences and difficulties in their new restricted area. Their rights to move freely, rights to education and more importantly, rights to live a better life with their family have been deprived. This is an outright abuse of power by the Minister who has been blindly signing the detention order. The gross misuse and abuse of the EO on ordinary citizens of the country does not merely lie with the police but with the slipshod manner of the Home Ministry itself.

As of December 2009, it was reported by the media that 819 persons were being detained without trial under the EO at Simpang Renggam Detention Centre and other detention centres around the country. This number does not include those detained without trial in other detention centres around the country. Going by this number of people detained, the EO can be deemed to be ten times worse than the infamous Internal Security Act (ISA) which also allows for arbitrary detention.

SUARAM recognizes the responsibility of the Malaysian government to curb crime and to deal with criminals, gangs and syndicates. But the government should not resort to means that violates human rights such as the EO in efforts to address criminal activity. Unfortunately in Malaysia, EO has been frequently abused by the police and government to deal with suspects of petty crimes. This is an outright misuse of power by the police and the Home Ministry in dealing with the EO detainees, particularly when they have absolute power and their decision cannot be challenged in court. Detention of any individual without trial is a violation of fundamental human rights.

SUARAM urges the government to withdraw the restricted order that have been served to the four of the detainees that have been mention above and immediately release them without any further conditions.

Detention without trial is a gross human rights violation. It violates Article 9, 10 and 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and Article 8 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Federal Constitution which guarantees due process and security of persons.

Malaysia has adequate laws in the Child Act 2001 that provides proper procedures of handing arrests and detention of children. Malaysia has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and is obligated to protect and uphold the rights of the child. By detaining minors and subjecting them to such harsh treatment, the government is committing a blatant violation of child rights.

Therefore, we call up on the government to:

  1. Immediately repeal the EO, DDA and ISA;
  2. Stop re-arresting individuals under the same law (or any other preventive laws) especially those released by the courts through habeas corpus applications or through the recommendations of the Advisory Board ; if need be, they should be charged under existing criminal laws;
  3. Stop arresting minors under the EO and respect their rights as laid out under CRC;
  4. The police should immediately stop making any further arrests under EO ;
  5. All those who are currently detained or restricted under EO should be released immediately or be charged in open court under existing criminal laws.

Released By,


Detention without Trial Coordinator,


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Endless struggle...

Today would be one of the happiest day in my life..

" Nalini Rahim from Malaysiakini told me that 5 ISA detainees released and Mat Sah one of them"... Kak Laila told me ln a doubtful voice..

"you boleh check tak news ini", Kak Laila
"ok.. i'll call rahim then confirmkan dengan dia", i told kak laila..
"Rahim betul keh news ini? Betul hishamudin mention nama Mat Sah? Siapa lagi yang bebas?"
"Betul Nalini.. Dia memang mention nama Mat Sah". Rahim, journalist from Malaysiakini...
i put down the phone and i went to my colleague John and i told him that 5 people have been released and Mat sah one of them.. he looks happy as well..then i started to get the sms from few of my friends from HRC and also some other friends who get the news about the latest release. without delay, i send sms to all the GMI committee members.. In my sms i wrote " Dear All, 5 more ISA detainees akan release. Rahim from Mkini told me that Hishamudin mention Mat Sah's name dalam dia punya kenyataan. Lets hope for the best"... I started to get very fast reply from all of them.. .i calledl latheefa and edmund bon, who is also council member for Mat sah and also our ISA lawyers (thats how we always refer them!)... Lat was very excited and she was hoping that this release would end kak laila and her son's nightmare for past 8 years...

10 minutes later, i got sms from Yanti, one of my friend from Bar Council HRC... she send me the 5 names. after i saw the names i could only say " Hidup perjuangan"...

I join suaram 3 years ago... i'm the coordinator for the detention without trial desk in suaram.. The first detainees name that i was very familiar was Mat Sah satray because he is Kak Laila;s husband and kak laila was there in GMI. She is part of the GMI committee and also GMI's most powerful asset cause she is representing the families of the ISA detainees...

This year when the 5 hindraf released she was very upset cause mat sah not one of those released. She told me that , " Nalini you know what, you are the 4th GMI secretary from SUARAM.. Suaram coordinator is changing but my husband still inside.. Do you think mat sah will be released during your time? or i will have to see another coordinator from suaram and my hubby still has not released?".. that was the questions she asked to me.. i was quite sad when she throw the questions to me. I replied to her by saying that " Kak laila dont give up cause i'm not going to give up until the ISA abolished.. I promise i'll be with you and we will see mat sah release one day and i still will be the secretary of GMI...".. She laughed and she told me that it will happen one day and she promised me that i'll be the first person to know the news about Mat Sah release....

And today its come true... 15 September 2009, around 4.40pm Kak laila called me to tell that Mat Sah is released!... She told me that as she promised i'm the the first person that she called and followed by kak nash and syed... she sounds very happy.. after a while i told her that "kak laila, alhamdullilah and you know what i'm still the secretary of GMI"... we laughed!

Although i'm happy for this five detainees, and of course personally for Mat Sah, Suhaib and Kak Laila, but i'm still upset... i'm still angry and still thinking about the rest who is still being detained under the ISA..what will happen to their families ? when they will be released??? when the government will charge them? when they will be brought to court? all this questions keeps on coming up to my mind....!!!!!!!! and still thinking what next?? How to campaign to abolish ISA immediately? Gosh lots to do!

Its and endless job! We shouldn't give up!I wont give up until i see the change! I do this for the future generation!

"Sejarah akan melabel saya sebagai pengkhianat sekiranya saya tidak berjuang pada hari ini untuk generasi akan datang dan untuk sistem yang saksama"

So lets continue our work!

Hidup Rakyat! Hidup Perjuangan!
